Popcorn is a puffed food made by putting corn, ghee, and sugar into a popcorn machine. It tastes sweeter.

Thousands of years ago, popcorn, first discovered in the Inca Empire, is one of the oldest snacks in the world. Take an appropriate amount of corn into the popcorn pot, seal the top cover, and then put the popcorn pot on the stove to keep turning to heat it evenly.

This is because during the heating process, the temperature in the pot continues to rise, and the pressure of the gas in the pot also increases. When the temperature rises to a certain level, the rice grains will gradually soften, and most of the water in the rice grains will become water vapor. Due to the high temperature, the pressure of the water vapor is very large, causing the softened rice grains to expand. When the pressure in the pot rises to 4-5 atmospheres, the top cover of the popcorn pot is suddenly opened, the gas in the pot expands rapidly, and the pressure decreases rapidly, resulting in the high-pressure water vapor in the rice grains. It also expands sharply, and the rice grains burst in an instant, which becomes popcorn.

Popcorn is a delicacy for couples and families watching movies. Sharing delicious food can also increase feelings. According to different flavors, popcorn is divided into chocolate popcorn, strawberry popcorn and mustard popcorn. Children love chocolate popcorn. The rich chocolate powder is evenly wrapped on the popcorn covered with sugar coating. Every bite can feel the strong chocolate aroma. With the crispy taste of the popcorn itself, it is unforgettable. Those who love chocolate must not miss it.

For the strawberry popcorn that girls like, the sweet strawberry powder exudes bursts of strawberry fragrance, and the light and sweet strawberry flavor is matched with the crispy popcorn. As soon as the strawberry fragrance is in the mouth, it fills the entire taste buds, allowing you to taste the sweetness of strawberries in every mouth. and crispy taste.

It is worth noting that when the popcorn is processed, in order to make the taste of the popcorn more attractive, a lot of margarine is added, and some flavors of the popcorn will also be added; in order to make the popcorn more beautiful, it is also added to it. Add some pigment. Margarine brings us excess energy and trans fatty acids. The extra energy will bring obesity closer to us. Trans fatty acids will increase low-density lipoprotein and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Too much artificial color intake may cause ADHD in children.

Of course, as long as we pay attention to the degree of grasp, additives can still bring us a lot of delicious and fun.