Strawberries are rich in nutritional value and are known as the "Queen of Fruits". They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, calcium and other nutrients.

Not only is it high in nutritional value, but it also tastes sweet and sour, which is very delicious. In addition to capturing the hearts of many people in terms of taste, strawberries are also one of the reasons why so many people love strawberries.

So let's take a look at how to choose strawberries correctly.

1. Look at the color of the strawberry

When people pick strawberries, they feel that the brighter and fresher the strawberries are. Although the color of fresh strawberries is relatively red, it is by no means the redder the better.

Fresh strawberries are more vibrant in color and look fresh. If the color is dull, the strawberry has been sitting for a long time since it was picked.

Some brightly colored strawberries may be ripened with drugs. The strawberries ripened with drugs are harmless to the human body after eating, but it is not recommended to buy them.

2. Look at the strawberry seeds

Generally, strawberries that are ripe without external interference have bright yellow seed color, sweeter taste, and no dry taste.

The seeds on the outside of the strawberries are all reddish strawberries, everyone should be careful, it is very likely that the fruit grower sprayed some food coloring to make the strawberries look fresher.

Such strawberries look fresh, but not fresh and delicious. Since the raw state of strawberries is covered with pigment, we cannot judge the actual ripeness of strawberries with the naked eye.

So we must pay attention when choosing.

3. Look at the packaging

It is recommended not to buy boxed strawberries, because the boxed ones cannot be opened casually, so the quality will be different, there may be not very good strawberries, it is best to choose by yourself.

4. Smell the scent

Naturally ripe strawberries generally emit a strong strawberry fragrance, but strawberries that have been stored for a long time will emit a faint fragrance or even an odor.

When picking strawberries, pay attention to choosing strawberries with regular shape (multi-conical), bright color, large particles, strong fragrance, no damage on the surface, and fresh leaves on the top.

Diabetic patients should choose ordinary ripe strawberries, which are sweeter and more fragrant, while ripe strawberries are generally lighter and have peculiar smell.

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