Have you ever eaten sweet and sour hawthorn? The practice of hawthorn suitable for making at home is very simple, and it is helpful for appetizers for friends with poor appetite!

Hawthorn Jam: Breakfast Companion.

Materials: 370 grams of fresh hawthorn, 150 grams of sugar, 50 grams of water, and 1 slice of lemon.

Practice: first wash the hawthorn to remove the nuts. Then put the hawthorn and sugar into the bread machine, and add the lemon juice. Finally, start the jam program, and the delicious hawthorn jam is ready in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Jujube, Hawthorn and Apple Soup.

Material: 1 apple, 8 jujubes, 8 hawthorns, appropriate amount of sugar

Clean the apple, jujube, and hawthorn respectively, remove the core of the hawthorn, and also remove the core of the jujube.

Boil hawthorn and jujube with water, add apples, and finally add some sugar.

Such a jujube, hawthorn and apple soup is not only appetizing but also digestion, it is a good dessert, sweet and sour makes the stomach very comfortable!

Hawthorn has many benefits and functions:

Boost immunity.

Hawthorn contains vitamin C, carotene and other substances, which can block and reduce the generation of free radicals and enhance immunity.

Protect cardiovascular.

Hawthorn can prevent angina by enhancing myocardial contractility, increasing cardiac output, dilating coronary blood vessels, increasing coronary blood flow, and preventing angina pectoris.

Aid digestion.

Hawthorn contains a variety of organic acids, which can enhance the acidity of gastric juice after eating, increase the activity of pepsin, and promote the digestion of protein and fat.

However, the acidic substances in hawthorn can also erode tooth enamel. People with poor teeth can easily cause tooth decay or aggravate dental diseases if they eat it regularly.

Hawthorn contains a lot of ingredients that can effectively inhibit bacteria, so it can be a good solution for some gastrointestinal discomfort and abdominal pain.

In addition, if the body has a throat discomfort, hawthorn water is also a good choice.

Quickly learn the simple practice of hawthorn.