Lemons are rich in vitamins, trace elements and citric acid, and has strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Lemons are alkaline fruits. Drinking lemon drinks every day can also regulate the acidity and alkalinity of your body. At the same time, the beauty value of lemons is also very high, since lemons are rich in vitamin C and have strong antioxidant effect.

Lemon can be made into honey lemon tea. It is easy honey lemon tea, and it has the effects of anti-aging, relieving heat and detoxification. You need 1000ml of honey and four lemons to make honey lemon tea. This can be reduced or increased according to your own taste. First, clean the lemon with baking soda. After washing, wipe the lemons dry and slice them into pieces, and then put the lemon slices in the prepared container. Finally, pour in honey. Honey needs be over lemon slices. Refrigerate it for a week, remember to stir it every two days and then you can drink it. You can also add passion fruit in with it. The amount of honey can be more than the honey.

Lemon vinegar has the effects of softening blood vessels, detoxifying, and beautifying, whitening and lightening spots. It is also very simple to make lemon vinegar. Generally, we use white rice vinegar. The amount of lemon, white vinegar and rock sugar in lemon vinegar is the same depends on how much you want to make. The container you use should be water free and oil free. Put one layer of lemon slices and one layer of sugar then another layer of lemon slices and another layer of sugar… the pour in the white vinegar and make sure it’s over the sugar and the lemon slices. This lemon vinegar needs to be fermented for 30 days before drinking. Pay attention to wipe the lemon dry when making lemon vinegar. The ratio of lemon vinegar to water is 1:10. If you prefer it to be sourer, you can make it to 1:5.

Now many young people like to have lemonade. If you have a fruit dryer at home, you can wash the lemons with soda and slice them. Adjust the temperature of the dryer to about 50 ° and dry them for 12 hours. If the temperature is too high, the lemon slices will be burned too black. The temperature of water should be at 60 ° C to 80 ° C. If the temperature is too low, the taste of lemon cannot be integrated into the water. If you want to add honey to lemonade, you should add honey when it is slightly cooled, because the high temperature will destroy the nutrition of honey.

Lemon can be juiced with apple, grapefruit, pineapple, orange, and other fruits. Or you can also use lemons to make flower tea with roses. They can go with cucumbers to make detoxification water too. The detoxification water needs to be put in the refrigerator for 12 hours before drinking.

The smell of lemon is very fresh, which can help alleviate tension and irritability. There are many ways to make lemon drinks. Don't underestimate lemons for their sour taste. The hot summer has come. The ultraviolet intensity in the summer is very strong, which can give you sunburn or make you tanned. It’s time to make some lemon drinks to recuperate your skin!