Coffee is a beverage made from roasted and ground coffee beans. As one of the three major beverages in the world, it, along with cocoa and tea, are the main beverages that are popular in the world.

Three common coffee tree species: Arabica, Robusta and Liberica. What flavor of coffee do you like?

Touba coffee

This is a cup of "spicy" coffee, a traditional Senegalese drink popular in West Africa.

Grind the guinea pepper mixed with the coffee beans. and brewed in a dripping manner. Because the locals believe that pepper has antidepressant, antiallergic and digestive aids. Therefore, Tuba coffee is also regarded as a therapeutic drink in the local area.


The original is Italian, which means "mark, brand", which symbolizes a sweet mark. Its feature is that in Italian espresso, no fresh cream or milk is added, only dense and soft milk foam is added to the coffee.

The milk froth is delicate and sweet, buffering the bitter impact of espresso. The reason why many people like macchiato coffee is because of its sweetness, the delicate milk foam combined with caramel, it is very delicate. So Macchiato is usually a girl's favorite.


Arabica coffee is brewed in a similar way to Turkish coffee. They are used to brewing with spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, etc., and the flavor is very unique.


Americano is the most popular coffee in coffee shops besides milk coffee. If the lover of milk coffee is mostly female, then Americano can be regarded as a very neutral coffee, and its popularity is basically the same between male and female guests.

Coffee for American tastes. The taste is rather bland. Because the typical extraction time is relatively long, the caffeine content is higher. Americano has less content and is nearly transparent, and you can even see the brown coffee at the bottom of the cup.

What other coffees have you tried?