The World Health Organization recognizes oral health as one of the top ten indicators of overall human health. The standard for oral health includes having clean teeth, being free from cavities, experiencing no pain, maintaining normal gum color, and preventing bleeding.

Oral health is closely intertwined with general health. Infections and inflammation in the oral cavity can contribute to or worsen chronic conditions like cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, posing risks to the overall well-being of an individual.

Dental caries and periodontal diseases not only damage the hard tissues of the teeth and the supporting structures around them, but also affect essential functions such as chewing, speech, and aesthetics.

Moreover, they can create difficulties in social interactions and erect psychological barriers. Oral infections in pregnant women are particularly concerning, as they can increase the likelihood of preterm birth and low birthweight babies.

Maintaining oral health is crucial for everyone, as it serves as a preventive measure against various oral diseases. Given the prevalence of oral issues, it is imperative to provide symptomatic care to address these problems to prevent the development of more serious oral diseases.

Here are some important steps to follow in oral care:

1. Consistent brushing: Regularly brushing your teeth not only protects them but also promotes overall oral health. This habit helps eliminate a significant number of oral bacteria, reducing the chances of tartar formation and oral infections. It is generally recommended to brush at least twice a day, and ideally, after meals, if possible.

2. Adopting healthy eating habits: Eating habits are closely linked to oral health, making it essential to develop good dietary practices. Minimize the consumption of sugary foods as they increase the risk of dental caries.

Additionally, try to avoid excessive intake of sweets and carbonated drinks on a regular basis. These substances create a weakly acidic environment in the oral cavity, leading to an increased likelihood of dental caries and tooth sensitivity.

3. Regular teeth cleaning: Alongside daily brushing, regular professional teeth cleaning plays a vital role in oral care. Teeth scaling effectively removes plaque and calculus from the tooth surface, helping prevent dental caries and periodontal diseases.

It is recommended to undergo professional tooth cleaning every 6 months to 1 year, which can be done at a dental clinic or an oral hygiene facility.

4. Utilize dental floss and interdental brushes: While brushing is effective for cleaning tooth surfaces, it may not adequately reach the spaces between teeth.

Using dental floss or interdental brushes can effectively remove food particles and plaque from these hard-to-reach areas. Incorporate daily flossing or interdental brush use into your oral hygiene routine to maintain overall oral health.

5. Opt for fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride aids in resisting acid erosion and promotes the remineralization of teeth. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste enhances tooth resistance and helps prevent dental caries. During brushing, apply an appropriate amount of toothpaste and gently scrub your teeth and gums.

6. Maintain proper hygiene product replacement: Oral hygiene items such as toothbrushes, floss, and interdental brushes should be regularly cleaned and replaced to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria.

Toothbrushes should be replaced every 3 months or when the bristles become deformed, while floss and interdental brushes should be replaced regularly based on wear and tear. Ensuring that oral hygiene supplies are kept clean and up-to-date promotes more effective oral care.

By following these essential steps in oral care, individuals can significantly improve their oral health, prevent the onset of various oral diseases, and contribute to their overall well-being.