Eating breakfast is crucial for the human body as it provides a wide range of benefits, including improved mental and physical health, and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

After a night of metabolism, the body's calorie reserves are depleted, and skipping breakfast can lead to a loss of energy and a decrease in alertness.

A well-balanced breakfast can provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins needed to maintain a healthy body.

The calories obtained from breakfast can provide energy for the day and maintain the normal functioning of the body, which is beneficial in combating physical fatigue and exhaustion.

Furthermore, skipping breakfast for prolonged periods can lead to excessive gastric acid secretion, which can result in several gastrointestinal diseases, including stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, gastric ulcers, acute gastritis, duodenal ulcers, and reflux esophagitis.

Therefore, it is essential to develop healthy eating habits that include breakfast to prevent these ailments and enable faster nutrient absorption by the body.

A simple and quick breakfast option is a fruit oatmeal yogurt cup, which provides an excellent source of nutrients.


50g fruit cereal

200g thick yogurt

Walnuts (as needed)

The Practice of Fruit Oatmeal Yogurt Cup:

1. Prepare a clean glass and put 1/4 fruit cereal into it.

2. Pour in 1/3 thick yogurt.

3. Repeat the above operation. Fruit cereal, yogurt, fruit cereal... a total of three layers of yogurt, four layers of fruit cereal.

4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

5. Top with walnuts when you're ready to eat.

You can make it the night before and refrigerate overnight for breakfast, or you can prepare it in a minute before going out in the morning and have it for dinner or supper when you go home at night.

Crispy walnuts and soft yogurt cups, the taste is superb!

Eating breakfast is essential for a healthy life. It provides the energy needed to carry out daily activities, supplies essential nutrients, and prevents gastrointestinal diseases.

Developing a regular breakfast habit is crucial for overall well-being. Try the fruit oatmeal yogurt cup recipe for a quick and nutritious breakfast option.