Rhinoceroses are one of the largest animals in the world. Although they appear simple, honest, and lovely, their immense size and sharp horns make many animals fearful of them.

Rhinos live in lowlands or highlands more than 2000 meters above sea level. Evening activities, living alone or organizing group activities. The water in residential areas is never separated from the source of water.

Due to different varieties, eating habits are also different, mainly eating grass, leaves, twigs, wild fruits, lichens and so on. Females have 18 to 19 months of pregnancy. The life span is 30-50 years.

In addition to the white rhinoceros, the rhinoceros horn is on the verge of extinction because of its decorative and medicinal value. At present, there are five main kinds of rhinos in the world, namely, white rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinos, black rhinos, Javanese rhinos and Indian rhinos.

Rhinos are herbivores, they are herbivores, mainly eat grass. All five species of rhinos live in warm regions of Africa and Asia. Both white and black rhinos live in the prairies of Africa. Black rhinos used to live in Africa south of the Sahara.

Today they are scattered in central, southern and southeastern Africa. White rhinos live mainly in southern Africa, with only a small percentage in central and eastern Africa.

Javanese rhinos, on the other hand, are home to the dense rainforests of Southeast Asia. They used to live in large areas from southwest China to Bangladesh to Indonesia, but now they can only be found in Vietnam and the Indonesian island of Java.

Only a small number of Sumatra rhinos live in Malaysia and Indonesia. Indian rhinos live in protected areas in India and Nepal.

Rhinos live in vast grasslands, rare grasslands, shrubs and swamps, and Sumatran rhinos often eat small shrubs and herbs that exist only in the depths of the forest. Rhinos use urine and faeces to distinguish areas.

Rhinos are used to living alone, and there are only about 10 white rhinos. Humans are usually avoided, but male rhinos during mating season, or females with baby rhinos, attack any target, including humans, when stimulated.

The black rhino has the worst temper among rhinos. It takes the initiative to attack the smell and sound. The black rhino runs very fast, reaching a speed of 45 kilometres per hour. If it fails to reach its goal, it turns around and runs.

Male rhinoceros occupy about 10 square kilometres of territory and often patrol the territory to prevent external invasion. But usually, these males let female and male rhinos through their territory.

They must pass through the territory cut off by rhinos in search of water and food from afar. It can discharge about 30 tons of faeces a year. The amount of cow dung is very large, mainly distributed in some border areas of this area, its width is about 4.5 meters, and cow dung accumulates more, especially in the late dry season.