Betta fish are mainly small fish belonging to Perciformes, climbing Perciformes, filopodia, and the Betta subfamily. The male fish is fierce and aggressive.

Because of its beautiful body color, good fighting, and mosquito killer, it has long been raised as an ornamental fish.

Betta is a very interesting species of fish. Betta fish body length of 6 ~ 7 cm, and the whole body is brown and red, with blue and green stripes. The tail looks like an unfurled flag.

Once the male is in heat, he will begin to reach out of the water to inhale. After building a nest by puffing under the grass, the male fish aggressively courted the female.

Betta fish are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. The origin is Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Betta is a kind of small fish, with a body length of 50~100 mm. Usually live in streams, ponds, farmland, river gully, and other slow-flow or still water environment. Betta fish are omnivorous.

Feed mainly on zooplankton, and insect larvae, but also eat filamentous algae. Betta fish have auxiliary respiratory organs, and can directly use air for internal exchange, in the tank dissolved oxygen low can also survive. Once out of the water, they can live for a while without dying.

Betta fish have been found in Thailand for more than one hundred years. After many years of efforts by betta fish lovers around the world, many colorful varieties have been bred, which are of great ornamental value.

It has gills that allow it to breathe oxygen from the air above the water, so it doesn't need a lot of water to survive, much less an air pump.

But male betta fish can only be kept as a single fish because of their aggressive and regional awareness. The first is to compete with wild species. But since the mid-19th century, Thailand has been cultivating them.

The modified betta fish are much more cubistic than the wild species, which can only last a few minutes at most, while the longest recorded fight for a feeder fish is six hours.

Betta fish do not require very high water temperatures, as long as the temperature is controlled at about 20 ~ 30℃, the problem is not very big. The best water temperature is 24 ~ 27℃, the water is best to neutral water. The pH value should be between 6.5 and 7.2.

A thin layer of bottom sand can be laid on the bottom of the aquarium. The purpose of the bottom sand is to stabilize the roots of the water plant and allow microorganisms to attach better.

The best ratio of water to bottom sand is 5:1. If you can properly add goldfish algae, black algae, etc., can provide sufficient oxygen for the tank, but also let the fish have a place to avoid.

Betta fish need plenty of light, so grasses can be used to mediate photosynthesis. A small light fixture with soft light can be placed in the tank.

Most people who feed betta fish must choose artificial dry food if floating water feed is the best. At ordinary times, you can put some fresh live bait at intervals, such as silkworms, worms, water fleas, etc., and eating these will make betta fish more colorful.

Although betta fish have strong vitality and feeding is relatively simple, some aspects should be paid attention to in the feeding process:

1. Try not to change the water often, to avoid the temperature difference of water temperature is too large, affecting the growth of betta fish.

2. Betta fish prefer to stay in the shade and try not to be exposed to sunlight. If the site cannot be avoided, it can be properly shaded with auxiliary tools.

3. The fish box should be properly bred aquatic grass, such as water grass, water hibiscus is a good choice, so that the fish can better breed and hide.

4. When betta fish breed, prepare another container, also put water plants, which can migrate small fish in better isolation.

5. The cultivation of surface duckweed plants should not be too much, so as not to have no space for Betta to breathe out of the water.

6. If the smaller tank is small, pay attention to whether the betta fish will jump out of the tank when it comes out for air.