Fruit contains pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and another dietary fiber that can promote intestinal peristalsis and defecation, for the prevention and treatment of constipation has a good effect.

Because of reducing the retention time of stool in the intestinal tract, it has a certain effect on the prevention of colon cancer.

It is conducive to the excretion of lead and other heavy metals in the human body, reducing the absorption of cholesterol.

Provide a place and nutrition for the reproduction of normal flora in the intestinal tract, and help to maintain the balance of microflora in the intestinal tract.

For example, kiwifruit is rich in nutrition, including protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and sulfur, as well as carotene.

In addition, it has medicinal value and is suitable for indigestion, loss of appetite, vomiting and vitamin deficiency.

The protein content in fruits is generally less than 1.5%, and there is no fat or very little fat content.

In addition to the high starch content of bananas, it generally contains 6% of sugars,25% of which are mainly glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

And the proportion varies with different types.

In addition, fruits also contain a variety of organic acids (such as citric acid, tartaric acid, and malic acid), tannins, pectin, cellulose, and aromatic substances, which make them have special flavor and quality.

Fruit is also an important source of vitamin C in the human body.

Vitamin C was found to originate from the navigation industry in the 13th century and is closely related to the history of the prevention and treatment of scurvy.

In the era of European navigation, the crew of the fleet often suffered from severe scurvy, which would slowly improve if fruits and vegetables were added to the diet, but it was not known what really played a role at the time.

It was not until later that scholars found that it was vitamin C deficiency.

If vitamin C was deficient, the body would have the following symptoms:

1. There will be scurvy, gum decay and bleeding loose teeth, easy fractures, and not easy to heal after trauma.

2. Affect cholesterol conversion, affect the increase of blood lipids, but also affect the absorption of iron ions, there will also be anemia.

3. The body is prone to fatigue, decreased immunity, and so on.

Among the fruits, the vitamin C content in fresh jujube is the most abundant, which is dozens or even hundreds of times that of other fruits.

The content of vitamin C in apples, pears, and apricots is lower, and the content of vitamin C per 100 grams is usually less than five milligrams.

There are Hawthorn, rich in vitamin C, a variety of essential amino acids and a variety of organic acids, iron, calcium content for all kinds of fruits, but also contains flavonoids, rich in nutrition.

It has important medicinal value.

Red and yellow fruits, such as citrus, apricot, pineapple, persimmon and so on, contain more carotene.

Fruit is also a good source of inorganic salts such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese, in which iron and copper are easily absorbed and can be used as dietotherapy supplies for patients with anemia.