Parrots are known as the imitators of the pet world. They bring people a lot of joy and even help people cure mental diseases. These beautiful birds are even regarded as a symbol of wisdom.

However, when it comes to keeping a pet parrot, the most important thing to consider is its diet. Here are some dietary taboos that pet owners should know about.

First, vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water should not be given to parrots. This includes spinach, celery, tomatoes, pears, cherries, peaches, and other foods that can cause diarrhea if consumed. Second, fruit pits should not be fed to parrots. Some fruit pits contain cyanide, which can lead to death in severe cases.

Third, salted food should not be given to parrots because they cannot metabolize salt. Excess salt can cause extreme thirst, dehydration, kidney failure, and even death.

Fourth, onion products should not be fed to parrots because they contain thiosulfate. Eating too much can cause diarrhea and, in severe cases, hemolytic anemia. Finally, feeding parrots only sunflower seeds can reduce their enjoyment and feeding ability.

Aside from their dietary habits, there are also interesting facts about parrots that pet owners should know. First, parrots' ventriloquism is truly remarkable among birds. African grey parrots produce nearly 200 different sounds, while a budgie named Parker recorded the highest number of words ever recorded by a bird imitating a human voice - 1,728 words.

Second, parrots have a high IQ, equivalent to a five or six-year-old child. A parrot named Alex can recognize more than 100 different objects, actions, and colors just by speaking, and can even recognize the materials from which certain objects are made. Third, parrots can see ultraviolet light, but humans can go blind from too much ultraviolet light.

Fourth, parrots have very sensitive tongues with bones in them and can manipulate objects like human fingers. Fifth, they're also the only birds that can pick up food and put it in their mouths with their feet, and they're both left-handed.

Finally, parrots have a very strange diet and sometimes like to eat dirt, as it is said to aid digestion and detoxification. Curious alpine parrots have even been known to break car wipers and eat the rubber off them.

Lastly, parrots have long lifespans and can live for several decades. The average lifespan for small parrots is 7 to 20 years, while medium and large parrots can live for 30 to 60 years, with some medium parrots living to around 80 years and one Amazon parrot named James living to 105 years.

Parrots are not just imitators but also intelligent and fascinating creatures. Pet owners should be aware of their dietary taboos to keep their parrots healthy and happy. Parrots are also the oldest of birds and have long lifespans. With proper care, these beautiful birds can bring joy and companionship to their owners for many years.