About five or six thousand years ago, grapes were cultivated in present-day Egypt and Central Asia. Later, they spread westward to Italy, France, and other Western European countries, and then eastward to East Asia.

The grape originates from the temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere, specifically North America, south-central Europe, and northern Asia. All grape varieties in the world come from the same ancestor.

Due to the separation of continents and the impact of glaciers, they have evolved differently in different regions, forming Eurasian populations, American populations, and East Asian populations.

There are more than 8,000 grape varieties in the world, categorized by the time from germination to fruit ripening. Very early-maturing varieties ripen within 105 days, early-maturing varieties within 105-125 days, mid-maturing varieties within 125-145 days, and late-maturing varieties more than 145 days.

The growing environment for grapes usually requires a warm climate and a sunny location, typically growing in fertile, well-drained soil. While grapes can grow in various climates, they are best suited to warm, humid regions, such as the Mediterranean coast and some parts of South America.

Grapes are a nutrient-rich fruit, containing high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin K, two vitamins essential for human health. Grapes are also rich in antioxidants that may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Besides being delicious, grapes have high nutritional value. The sugar content of ripe grapes is as high as 10%-30%, mainly glucose. Various fruit acids in grapes help digestion and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Grapes have various uses besides being edible. Grapefruit can be used to make raisins, and grape seeds can be extracted to obtain grape seed extract, which is used in health products and cosmetics.

The leaves of grapes also have medicinal value, and grape leaf extracts can be used to treat diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

What is the "hoarfrost" on the grape skin? Is it pesticide residue? "Hoarfrost" is a sugar alcohol substance secreted by grapes, commonly known as fruit powder, which is harmless to the human body.

Fruit powder can reduce the evaporation of water on the surface of the grapes, preventing rapid water loss and the growth of germs. In addition to grapes, such "hoarfrost" can also form on the surface of fruits such as plums, prunes, and blueberries.

There are some food taboos to keep in mind while consuming grapes:

Diabetics: Grapes contain a lot of fructose, which can easily cause blood sugar to rise for people with diabetes. People with diabetes should try to avoid eating grapes, and eating too many grapes can easily lead to diabetes in ordinary people.

Diarrhea patients: People with frequent diarrhea should eat fewer grapes because grapes have a digestion-promoting effect. If diarrhea occurs, eating grapes will aggravate the symptoms of diarrhea, so people with diarrhea should eat fewer grapes.

People with cold and fever: During cold and fever, the body's immunity is weakened, making it easier to be infected with germs. Eating grapes during this time will increase the sugar content in the body, which can encourage the growth of germs, so it is best not to eat grapes during a cold and fever.