The sweetness in juice is high, but you're consuming natural sugars, not processed sugars that can affect your health. Not to mention, these pure juices contain added benefits that you won't always find on the bottle.

The following are healthy juices that are very suitable for summer, so drink them up!

1. Tart Cherry Juice

This juice can be a little hard to swallow, but its exercise benefits make it worth it. Due to its high concentration of vitamins C and E, two powerful antioxidants, 100% tart cherry juice has been shown to help reduce muscle soreness and weakness after exercise.

Preliminary research suggests that tart cherry juice may help you sleep better. Just 118ml of 100% tart cherry juice provides all the vitamin C you need every day.

2. Prune juice

If you're feeling a little overwhelmed after a holiday meal, try drinking 237ml of prune juice to aid your digestion. With 3 grams of fiber per serving, it's an easy way to increase your fiber intake and maintain digestive health.

Prune juice is a good source of heart-healthy potassium and provides five essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A and iron.

3. Orange Juice

If you think the orange juice you drink in the morning is too sweet, think again. The 100% juice variety is made from unsweetened pressed oranges.

One glass of orange juice contains more than a day's worth of vitamin C and as much potassium, an essential nutrient for muscle contraction and hydration, as a medium banana. Additionally, many varieties contain bone-boosting calcium and vitamin D.

100% orange juice also contains hesperidin, a plant polyphenol that can help maintain healthy blood pressure and blood vessel function.

4. Grape Juice

That little bottle of grape-flavored juice you drank as a kid is a notorious sugar bomb — but if you choose 100% juice then you don't have to worry so much.

While its label will tout some of its health benefits, such as being an excellent source of vitamin C, it won't tell you it contains more than 250 mg of polyphenols.

These powerful phytonutrients provide many benefits for heart-healthy. Also, drinking grape juice may help keep your mind clear as you age.

5. Beetroot juice

You've probably heard of professional athletes drinking beetroot juice before the competition, and for good reason. Beetroot juice contains nitrates, which your body converts into nitric acid, which quickly delivers oxygen to your muscles.

The study found that cyclists who drank two glasses of beetroot juice a day increased their speed and oxygen output, suggesting the juice can boost endurance.

Not only that, but beets can help speed up your recovery after strenuous exercise, as nitrates also help relieve muscle inflammation. 70ml of concentrated beetroot juice is more palatable than a full glass of 300ml of juice, and both have similar levels of nitrates.

6. Pomegranate Juice

Pure pomegranate juice is made by pressing the whole pomegranate, including the peel and pith, into each pomegranate bottle. This process produces juice from 2 whole pressed pomegranates and nothing else - no added sugar, coloring, or preservatives.

Those ruby red pomegranates are rich in antioxidants that provide a variety of health benefits. 237ml of 100% pomegranate juice per day may increase post-exercise arm and leg strength.

Preliminary research also suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may actually stop the growth of prostate cancer cells.